About the Comic
In this high-speed supernatural LGBTQ comic, we follow Lucky Maxwell, a born-loser who stumbles upon a demon-possessed muscle car that suddenly changes the trajectory of his life. Desperate to find his missing mother, he joins his long-time crush Vick Powers in a high-stakes underground street racing tournament to uncover secrets about the car and his mother’s disappearance.
Along the way, they find themselves in the crosshairs of prying journalists, rival racers, and an otherworldly masked cult leader with an interest in the demonic car’s power. Together, Lucky and Vick face adrenaline-pumping battles against both literal and internal demons, unravel the truth behind the car’s origins and the connection to Lucky’s missing mother, all while navigating the complicated feelings they have for each other in a story of loneliness, revenge, and unlocking your full potential!
John Carpenter's Christine, Motorcity, Ghost Rider, Spider-Verse, Fast and Furious, and of course the gay agenda
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⚠ This comic is intended for mature readers and may contain material unsuitable for children, including harsh language, drug and alcohol use, violence, sexual themes, and murder. Please read at your own discretion.
About the Creator
Mars Heyward is a comic artist, writer, muscle car liker, milkshake drinker, pro-catboy propagandist, pickled food abolitionist, human-shaped weasel, and Portlander. You can read his recently completed webcomic Long Exposure here.
My muse [: 💘