About the Comic

After finding a car once owned by his mother, Lucky and his childhood-crush Vick are launched into the world of street racing in an effort to learn more about her. But what they don't know is something's lurking under the hood of the car, something fueled by revenge...and gasoline.

It’s Christine meets Ghost Rider meets Fast and Furious but gayer!

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⚠ This comic is intended for mature readers and may contain material unsuitable for children, including harsh language, drug and alcohol use, violence, sexual themes, and murder. Please read at your own discretion.

About the Creator

Mars Heyward is a comic artist, writer, muscle car liker, milkshake drinker, pro-catboy propagandist, pickled food abolitionist, human-shaped weasel, and Portlander. You can read his recently completed webcomic Long Exposure here.



I just wanted an excuse to make people look at her. :) 💘